This page will be the root for the Schuldenfrei information and photographs of interest. It is under construction at this time, and probably will always be as it is an experimental location for this Home Page.

The distant goal.

This is our sailboat Esprit du Vent.

My daughter, Rachel, has done some Schuldenfrei family history on Rebecca Schuldenfrei. Becci, was an early adventurer who, with her husband Sol, went on the Gold Rush to the Yukon in 1897. Follow this link for more information. The picture below is a restored photo of Becci and her husband Sol about the time of their famous trip.

Rachel graduated from Wesleyan University on May 25, 2003.

This is the image that Eric created for the arts billboard in New York, September 2000. It is a single shot from his video installation, The Measure of All Things. This is a collaboration with Haluk Akakce.